About Us
Grange Primary School, located in the western Adelaide suburb of Grange, is a Reception to Year 6 school featuring mainly straight year-level classes.
We currently have approximately 695 students, but are subject to zoning restrictions.
We have a great canteen that is open 5 days per week and an amazing Out of School Care and Vacation Care program.

Focus areas
We are proud to focus on the following curriculum areas:
- Literacy
- Numeracy
- Science, Technology, Engineering & Maths (STEM)
- Music
- Health
- Physical Education
- Cultural Studies
- Thinking Skills/Students with High Potential
- Class Buddy Program
- Special Needs-Learning Intervention Program
- LAP-Student Social Skills
- Aboriginal Students Group
- English as Second Language – Literacy support
- Student Leadership Programs
- Student Voice Committees
Additional programs
In addition to our broad range of specialist areas, we offer the following additional programs to all students:
- Out of School Hours & Vacation Care
- After Hours Sports
- Debating
- Chess
- Instrumental music
Our reports and plans
Get in touch
Location: 39c Jetty Street, Grange SA 5022
Telephone: (08) 8353 2688
Email: dl.1022.info@schools.sa.edu.au
Office hours: Monday to Friday, 8:30am to 4:00pm
Recess: 10:45am to 11:15am
Lunch: 12:55pm to 1:25pm
Class times: Monday to Friday, 8:45am to 3:05pm
School grounds: Monday to Friday, 8:30am to 3:20pm - where there is a teacher on yard duty