Welcome to the start of 2021

by Jan 24, 2021

Dear families and friends,

Welcome to the start of the 2021 school year at Grange Primary School. Teachers and support staff have been working hard over the past few days and weeks in planning and preparing an outstanding learning environment and program for your child when they start school on Wednesday 27 January.

Over the past three days teachers have been working together in using the curriculum scope and sequences to plan for learning in alignment with the Department for Education focus on developing expert teachers. Grange PS is very well placed in supporting our teachers to be the very best expert teachers that they can do, so that your child can excel and be the best that they can be in their learning. Our school focus areas for improvement will continue to be reading, writing and mathematics in 2021.

We start the year with 762 children across 29 classes. This is up one additional class from past years as we have 5 reception classes this year, so welcome to our new reception children and their families starting school for the first time this year. Here at Grange we made the decision to reduce the class size slightly at reception for the first year of school to enable our reception children to be set up for the most successful year possible. We also welcome some new teaching staff. We have a fabulous staff that I look forward to strengthening our learning practices even further in bringing about a school that is consistently outstanding.

(Left to Right) Jack Opolski – Year 6, Chanel Polese – Year 3, Ayumi Suzuki – Japanese, Mel Leman – Year 2, Ashley Pett – Year 5, Prue Cawley – Year 2
(Left to Right) Simone Bakolias – Japanese, Ayumi Suzuki – Japanese

Can I also affirm that we would love to see families back in the school grounds, but not yet in the school buildings as was the case at the end of 2020. Please continue to practice social distancing while on the school grounds. Thank you for your ongoing support in enabling us as a school and community to manage COVID-19 precautions so well.

Stay safe and I look forward to an outstanding year of student learning, engagement, positive well being and fun.

Grant Small
Grange Primary School
