Governing Council

Our Governing Council is vehicle for consultation, coordination and cooperation to ensure the best possible decisions are made for our students to create a high quality learning environment. It is an equal partnership between Grange PS staff and up to 20 volunteer parents and 2 community members in developing policy, providing guidance and strategic direction for the current and future needs of our school, canteen and OSHC.

Parents and primary caregivers of students may nominate to join the main body of the Governing Council prior to the Annual General Meeting held in Term 1 each year and serve a two year term.

Please click on this link to access the Governing Council Constitution.

Any parent or caregiver may attend any council meeting as an observer, or can volunteer to join the Governing Council subcommittees outlined below.

If you wish to contact Governing Council with comments or suggestions you can approach one of the parents below or email:  

Our 2024 Governing Council

Principal – Grant Small
Chairperson – Chris White (parent / caregiver member)
Deputy Chairperson – Cosimo Panetta (parent / caregiver member)
Secretary – Emma Ginman (parent / caregiver member)
Treasurer – Paul Pearce (parent / caregiver member)

Parent/Caregiver Council Members:

  • Trish O’Gorman
  • Alicia Bewry
  • Raelene Rosewall
  • Paige Porter
  • Lisa Draper
  • Amy Hardwick
  • Nadia Andonas
  • Dana Wilkinson
  • Kris Bowden
  • Carlos Cereceda-Rojas
  • Chris Lawson
  • Sarah Linke

Staff Representatives:

  • Kristen Barilla
  • Jessica Martin

Community members:

  • Ross Fairbank
  • Tammie Lacopetta

Committees of the Governing Council:

The Grange Primary School Governing Council has established a number of sub-committees to ensure that the diverse needs of the school are effectively addressed. These smaller, focussed groups allow the business needs of the school to be addressed, leverage the expertise and insights of the committee members, promote discussion and consultation with families, and contribute to the overall success of our school community.

Committees meet at different days and times throughout the school term.

Members of committees do not need to be members of the Governing Council, and expressions of interest to join committees are welcome at any time.


Chair: Raelene Rosewall
Overviews the provision of reasonably priced and healthy food in the school canteen, helps organise volunteer assistants and provides advice to ensure relevant legislation is met.

Terms of Reference

Community Engagement

Chair: Dana Wilkinson
Organises fundraising events that promote and encourage community engagement and connection for the whole Grange PS community.

Terms of Reference

Diversity and Inclusion:

Chair: Raelene Rosewall

Support and advocate for the diversity and inclusion of students and families in the Grange Primary School community and work collaboratively with specialist teaching staff to promote student belonging, wellbeing, connectedness, engagement and achievement.

Terms of Reference

Educational Support

Chair: Paige Porter
Promotes and facilitates communication between the school and parents, coordinates school policy and website updates to ensure staff and parents/caregivers are supported in their efforts to empower students’ education.

Terms of Reference

Finance & Infrastructure
Chair: Paul Pearce
Advises the Governing Council about budgetary and financial matters, reviewing the preliminary budget and ensuring financial accountability and governance as well as infrastructure planning.

Terms of Reference

Out of School Hours Care (OSHC)
Chair: Emma Ginman

Assists the Governing Council to comply with the Education and Care Services National Regulations and ensures the quality of care being offered is in keeping with the values, principles and policies of our school, community and department.

Terms of Reference

Chair: Carlos Cereceda-Rojas

Establishes an environment for all students to engage, enjoy and benefit from various school sport activities while developing skills, confidence, self-esteem, fitness, and friendship and supports staff and community to provide opportunities to all students.

Terms of Reference


Chair: Cosimo Panetta

Coordinate sustainable initiatives and enable a sustainable culture within the Grange PS community via a student sustainability body called the ‘Grange Green Beans’.

Terms of Reference

Get in touch

Location: 39c Jetty Street, Grange SA 5022

Telephone: (08) 8353 2688


Office hours: Monday to Friday, 8:30am to 4:00pm

Recess: 10:45am to 11:15am

Lunch: 12:55pm to 1:25pm

Class times: Monday to Friday, 8:45am to 3:05pm

School grounds: Monday to Friday, 8:30am to 3:20pm - where there is a teacher on yard duty