At the beginning of Term 3, a group of students from years 3 to 6 opted to sit the Australian Mathematics Competition. This competition is a series of 30 mathematical questions consisting of 25 multiple choice questions and 5 question requiring written solution. Students were given one hour to answer as many questions as possible. This is a very challenging competition and stretches students in their mathematical thinking and problem solving skills.
All students did a fantastic job and the results are below.
Prize Winner and Best in School Award
Hanyue Li
Distinction Award
Dejan Djukic
Alexandra McPherson
Grace Cha
Cameron Pearce
Lara Voros
Chloe Zuo
Edwin Cha
Zoe Zuo
Milla White
Shanaya Christian
Scarlett Porter
Massimo Andonas
Lilia Butavicius
Credit Award
Charlotte Parker
William Pepler
Natasa Hercegovac
Mack Pitman
Jasmine Prow
Harnoorpartap Singh
Felipe Docampo
Brodie Benfield
Sehajpartap Singh
Hugo Costa
William McManus
Kristijan Djukic
Dominic Panayiotou
Seven O’Connor
Ethan Zoontjens
Max Blairs
Maxwell Nitschke
Zane Voros
Lucas Sokolovic
Agastya Kundu
Theo Sendziuk
Alahni Smith
Beau Narcys
Magnus Greenbank
Eva Scott-Toming
Proficiency Award
Koen Phillips
Benjamin Worrall
Leo Maresca
Finlay McGoldrick
Jamie Burden
Jarvis Weir
Jakob Rourke
Benjamin Romero Victorica
Darcy Meyers
Nikolas Tsonis
Timothy Worrall
Jack Smith
Noah Beaney
Amber Murdoch
Elijah Sayers
Cruz Spirdonoff
Lia Carroll
Tobias Greenbank
Sylvia Carroll
Well done to all participants.